
Eldritch academy grounds
Eldritch academy grounds

eldritch academy grounds

Eldritch Abomination: The Eldritch, natch.Did You Just Romance Cthulhu?: Issei is the boyfriend of Azathoth, the leader of the Eldritch Abomination faction in the story.Dies Differently in Adaptation: Raynare and her crew (minus Freed, who wasn't there) die at the hands of Azathoth instead of Rias, and instead of just dying, all of them are erased from reality itself.Cosmic Horror: Elements of it are incorporated (namely, the Three Factions being completely outclassed by the Eldritch), but given that this is a High School D×D fanfic, the story doesn't fall completely into it.Cooldown Hug: Rias gives Koneko one to help her calm down from her near- Freak Out from realizing that someone far, far superior to Rias and her older brother knows what is happening on Earth is from Yi's get-well letter.If it isn't for Issei making sure that Aza doesn't fly off the handle, she would have driven them all to madness without even trying to.

eldritch academy grounds

  • All the other girls at Kuoh try to make Aza break up with Issei by bringing up his numerous perverted deeds.
  • Raynare believes she can take on Aza and kill Issei with the help of her fellow Fallen Angels Mittlet, Kalawarner, and Dohnaseek.
  • In general, the Eldritch are capable of breaking one's sanity just by existing, which is why they often choose human forms when interacting with leser beings.
  • eldritch academy grounds

    Luckily, Koneko manages to recover with some help from Madame Yi (heavily implied to be Yidhra). Aza inflicts primal, terrorizing fear upon Koneko by complete accident when she unleashes her true form upon the Fallen Angels trying to kill Issei.It is only defused by Issei kissing Aza on the cheek as a gesture of reassurance to all parties. Bring Me My Brown Pants: Koneko ends up wetting herself from the sheer tension of the standoff between Sona, Rias, and Aza.The same applies for Sirzechs, but he is somewhat more rational about it, deciding to wait and observe before making any moves to prevent any undue trouble.Serafall is understandably worried for the safety of her younger sister Sona when she gets wind of Azathoth showing up at Kuoh Academy, resulting in Sirzechs having to talk her out of retrieving Sona from Kuoh lest she provoke Azathoth's wrath.Ascended Extra: Aika is an Eldritch cultist, making her much more involved with the supernatural.

    Eldritch academy grounds